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Support for families

There is currently a range of help available for families from a variety of agencies located around the Wolverhampton area. Advice and support is available from the Strengthening Families Hubs on all aspects of parenting...

Well Done Year 11

The past two weeks have been a cause for celebration at our wonderful school. Following some impressive A Level results last week from our year 13 students, it was the turn of our year 11...

Congratulations Year 13 Students

Congratulations to our wonderful Year 13 Heath Park students and Central Sixth students who achieved seriously impressive results this year. The overwhelming majority of students achieved grades which secured places at their first-choice universities, which...

New Year 7 September arrangements.

As we end the school year, on behalf of the Heath Park staff, we thank you for the positive encouragement and support that you have shown your children this year. As a school, “Every Pupil....

Summer Newsletter

It is lovely to be able to read back through this summer newsletter with pride and see all the fantastic things Heath Park students have been engaged in over the summer term. The strength of...
