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Physics A-Level

Entry Requirements

Minimum grade 6 in subject. Grade 5 in English and grade 6 in maths

Who is it for?

Physics is a highly academic subject and should be taken on by only the most ambitious and enthusiastic students. It is regarded as a hard A Level subject and it is highly regarded by all of the universities.

You will require a good knowledge of Maths and it is recommended that the students should consider taking AS Maths.

It is one of the A Level subjects that opens up more future options than almost all other subjects. These options may be all aspects of Engineering, Medicine, Law and Business. The main draw for students is the problem solving nature of Post 16 Physics and the challenging nature of the subject.

Course Structure

The content of the course consists of:

  • Measurements and their errors
  • Particles and radiation
  • Waves
  • Mechanics and materials
  • Electricity


Exam 1 – (34% of A Level) Periodic motion to include particles and radiation.

Exam 2 – (34% of A Level) Thermal Physics to include molecular kinetic models and different types of fields.

Exam 3 – (32% of A Level) Optional physics units e.g. Medical Physics and Astrophysics plus Practical Skills and Data Analysis.

University Pathways

All universities welcome Physics A Level as being exceptionally valuable.

Career Opportunities

Physics opens several career opportunities for example:

  • Medicine
  • Engineering
  • Physics Research
  • Energy Industry
  • Armed Forces
  • Business
  • Law
  • Accountancy

These are just a few of the examples of the high paid jobs taken by people who have done A Level Physics.