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Business BTEC

Entry Requirements

Minimum Merit or grade 5 in subject. Grade 4 in English and grade 4 in maths

Who is it for?

Every day all of the people who live in this country come into contact with businesses. From switching on lights when you wake up (npower), through travelling to your place of education or work (bus companies) to cooking your tea (Tesco and British Gas) each time we are interacting with a business. The aim of this course is to look in depth at all areas of Business, and the work they do. You will then learn to use this information to make critical judgements about the success (or failure) of the company in question

Course Structure

Single BTEC National Extended Certificate in Business The following units will be studied:

  • Exploring Business
  • Developing a Marketing Campaign
  • Personal and Business Finance
  • Market Research

Double BTEC Diploma in Business

In addition to the units above, students will also study a further 4 units


  • 2 coursework units marked internally
  • 1 coursework unit marked externally
  • 1 external exam

University Pathways

Of those studying Business this current year, half have applied to university to do a Marketing degree, the other half to do an Accounting degree. This course can lead on to a variety of university subject areas including: Marketing, Finance/Accounting, Business Management, Advertising, Human Resource Management, Business Management.

Apprenticeship Pathways

This is a suitable qualification to take forward to any apprenticeship as topics include:

  • Recruitment and Training
  • Communication and Customer Service
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Advertising

Career Opportunities

Most areas of Business Management, Accountancy and Marketing.