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Year 10 Secure Record Breaking WEX Placements

Year 10 students have recently completed their Work Experience, with over 220 placements found and 199 students taking part. Well Done Year 10!

“Students have shown great motivation, independence and responsibility to find their own placements, with some students even finding two. Many opted to find placements within careers they are genuinely interested in and others were keen to just experience what a working week feels like. It was pleasing to see students step out of their comfort zone and gain paramount experience in which they can now use within their next phase of life and education. On a positive note we have even has a handful of student’s secure summer jobs and apprenticeships with their prospective employers. I am so proud of all students that engaged; I only hope this is a positive sign of what they are capable of come year 11. They had been set a challenge, they not only accepted it but exceeded all expectations.

Special thanks to all Form Tutors for supporting students to find placements and also Miss Usherwood-Brown who has been undeniably outstanding in organising all Work Experience placements”.

Mr Burns – Year 10 Lead Teacher

“This year’s Work Experience uptake has been phenomenal, students and staff have worked extremely hard to ensure that all Year 10 students had a placement. These placements have ranged from Accountants, Law firms, The British Army, NHS and Heathrow Airport to name a few. Work experience is an invaluable experience in preparing students for the World of work. I would like to thank all employers and organisations that hosted our students and provided them with an experience that has provided them with skills for life”.

Miss Usherwood-Brown – CEIAG Coordinator